Sunday, October 22, 2006

Mind Games - Aging Brain and How to Keep it Healthy


Regardless of your age, have you ever experienced what may
be affectionately described as “senior moments?” For example,
have you
• Checked three or four times to make sure that the same
appliance is turned off before you leave home?
• Tried to use a word in your conversation that you know
you know but cannot recall?
• Walked up and down the parking lot looking for your
car, with the grocery sacker tagging along behind?
• Forgotten someone’s name you just met, even though
you were rehearsing it while you were walking away?
• Had someone tell you that you do not correctly remember
what he or she told you?

Or, you may be apprehensive of your ability to adapt to
new situations. Are you concerned that rusty brain cells
may prevent you from successfully
• Moving to a new home or city?
• Joining a special-interest group to meet new friends?
• Earning a degree or enrolling in a continuing-education
• Applying for a new job?
• Managing your business and/or life?
Well, if you answered “yes” to any of these questions or
have similar worries in your life, it’s not hopeless. This book is
just what you need.

Download Ebook

How to start a conversation and make friends

About the Book
This is a program that delivers: It’s short, read by a likable and upbeat author, and well illustrated with vignettes of conversational success. The sophisticated principles show solid thinking, yet they’re delivered with the geniality of your favorite meteorologist. Easy-to-follow lessons and Gabor’s positive delivery make this an empowering listening experience. The sections on nonverbal language, culture, and situational expectations are astute and help make this a comprehensive guide to making contact with strangers. An enjoyable lesson on a life skill that is becoming increasingly important to people in all walks of life.

Download the EBook